What We Do
Community Solutions Consulting exists to solve the critical issues facing our clients, both large and small. Our unique approach is not only what differentiates us, but also what makes us successful. We provide a broad range of services and solutions to help organizations create an effective community relations strategy. As a result our clients will be able to establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships with the communities with whom they interact.
Our core business services are as follows:
Organizational Assessment: We will assess your existing community relations policies/strategies, if applicable. Our staff will interview any employees involved in community relations activities to assess the effectiveness of said policies/strategies. Employees will also be given assessments, which can be completed anonymously, to gain feedback on various issues including diversity and inclusion. We will use these assessments and interviews to determine what solutions to recommend.
Policy Development: Our staff will work closely with your organization to develop policies and procedures that will maximize the effectiveness our your community relations strategy. All policies and procedures can be integrated into your existing operating policies and procedures.
Staff Development: Our staff will create a curriculum to ensure that your entire organization has the skills and training necessary to enact your new community relations strategy. This includes training seminars and workshops for employees.
Members of management will be provided with specialized training sessions dealing with:
Capacity Building: Ensuring that your organization has the proper capacity (financial and staff) to effectively operate.
Program Development: Strategies for creating future programs.
Municipal Engagement: Strategies for interacting with bureaucratic/government agencies.
Outcomes Assessment: Strategies for assessing the effectiveness of your strategy.